Celfix is the One and Only laboratory center in Asia Pacific, and only one of a few in the world that provide functional laboratory testing
such as urine organic profile, Urine Indican test, Urine Kryptopyrroles test with the world top 10% leading expert, Dr. Kobkul Sudsuansri
Our Tests in Thailand
Urine Organic acid test
This is a powerful test determining more than 50 organic acids in urine and focus on functional B vitamin and minerals status, energy production neurotransmitter , oxidative stress and antioxidant need, toxic exposure and detoxification capacity and markers for bacterial and yeasts overgrowth
Urine Indican Test
A quick screening test for gut health, dysbiosis leaky gut syndrome
Urine Kryptopyrroles Test
A quick screening test for Stress, oxidative stress and Alzheimer’s risk